

Special Vehicles<span id="test" class="kool-class" style="color: #b4b4b4;" fs-test-element="test"></span><span id="test" class="kool-class" style="color: #f90;" fs-test-element="test">.</span>

Maximalising the potential of Netherlands<span id="test" class="kool-class" style="color: #b4b4b4;" fs-test-element="test"> as an innovative leader in special vehicles</span><span id="test" class="kool-class" style="color: #f90;" fs-test-element="test">.</span>

The Netherlands is a major player in the special vehicles industry, known for its innovation, quality and advanced engineering. The sector covers a wide range of specialised vehicles, including construction equipment and transport solutions. Specialised vehicles are essential for various industries, providing tailor-made solutions that increase productivity, efficiency and safety. In construction, specialised cranes, earthmovers and transport vehicles facilitate complex construction projects with increased efficiency and safety. In logistics, advanced transport solutions ensure smooth and timely delivery of goods.

Kloepfel Group named
“Best Consultants” for
the ninth year in a row


Procurement as growth engine

In the automotive, requirements for lower capacity and smaller quantities have increased significantly. Specific customer solutions often conflict with available standard solutions. This necessitates permanent coordination between engineering, sales and production. In turn, the company that has the best control over effectiveness, flexibility, costs and deadlines is in the best position to overcome the competition. Many of the main components come from major suppliers (electrical components, hydraulics, chassis).

During a Kloepfel project, our special vehicle team works with you to discover potential by helping to use materials more efficiently, standardising products even in small series, finding innovative suppliers, e.g. for lightweight construction, and holding workshops with best-of-breed suppliers to identify potential savings that can be realised together.

Contact persoon
Peter Smit


Procurement as growth engine

In the automotive, requirements for lower capacity and smaller quantities have increased significantly. Specific customer solutions often conflict with available standard solutions. This necessitates permanent coordination between engineering, sales and production. In turn, the company that has the best control over effectiveness, flexibility, costs and deadlines is in the best position to overcome the competition. Many of the main components come from major suppliers (electrical components, hydraulics, chassis).

During a Kloepfel project, our special vehicle team works with you to discover potential by helping to use materials more efficiently, standardising products even in small series, finding innovative suppliers, e.g. for lightweight construction, and holding workshops with best-of-breed suppliers to identify potential savings that can be realised together.

Fase 1:

De eerste fase richt zich voornamelijk op het voeren van
onderhandelingen met de huidige leveranciers, hetzij direct hetzij via een leveranciersconventie. Doel is de relatie met uw huidige leveranciers te versterken, substantiële gesprekken te voeren en tot voor alle partijen gunstige resultaten te komen.

Een leveranciersconventie is een bewezen succesvolle methode om in korte tijd maximaal resultaat te behalen. Door een grondige, op feiten gebaseerde voorbereiding kunnen we altijd extra stappen zetten om commerciële voorwaarden met bestaande leveranciers te optimaliseren.

Fase 2:
Commodity Management,
Technical Sourcing, Cost Engineering

De volgende fasen zijn gericht op een totale kostenverbetering van uw producten, wat doorgaans meer tijd vergt voor effect zichtbaar is. Bij Commodity Management stellen we teams samen voor elke categoriegroep, voeren we benchmarks uit, analyseren we kosten, starten we leveranciersworkshops en implementeren we RFI/RFP/RFQ om nieuwe leveranciers te ontwikkelen.

Gaat uw interesse uit naar benchmarking en resourcing, dan is onze Technical Sourcing een betrouwbare methode met zijn uitgebreide leveranciersdatabase. Sommige producten kunnen we ook verder onder de loep nemen via Cost Engineering voor een gedetailleerde onderdelen- en ‘should-cost’ analyse.


Commodity Management,
Technical Sourcing, Cost Engineering

The Netherlands is a major player in the special vehicles industry, known for its innovation, quality and advanced engineering. The sector covers a wide range of specialised vehicles, including construction equipment and transport solutions. Specialised vehicles are essential for various industries, providing tailor-made solutions that increase productivity, efficiency and safety. In construction, specialised cranes, earthmovers and transport vehicles facilitate complex construction projects with increased efficiency and safety. In logistics, advanced transport solutions ensure smooth and timely delivery of goods.

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