
Structure & Processes.

Procurement Organisation
Assessment (POA).

Improving your processes and structure to create a slim and effective organisation.

A lean and effective purchasing organisation lays the foundation for success by taking advantage of savings opportunities, making faster and more accurate decisions, and responding flexibly to market changes. Streamlining processes ensures that each purchasing step adds value and accelerates growth as efficiently as possible.

Qualitative approach to understandyour organisation better.

Based on interviews and open discussions with stakeholders, we map out the optimal transformation roadmap. The improvements are not limited to the purchasing department but also to the entire supply chain, both inside and outside the  organisation.

The assessment may take two to four weeks, depending on the size of your organisation, the number of locations and purchasing maturity.

Assess and improve your purchasing maturity
with our assessment model.


Purchasing policy, company strategy, company roadmap


Positioning, central/decentralised, function distribution, material groups management


Process flow, operational processes, supplier qualification and integration


Competences development, talents and career perception

Systems & Methods

ERP infrastructure, purchasing platforms, supplier portals and portfolio management

Performance Management

KPI and reporting, supplier assessment, and risk management

Lead-buying concept
for multinationals

Multinational companies are experiencing more challenges in the supply chain due to their different production locations, various logistical resources and — not to mention — different cultures within the subsidiaries. The lead-buying concept is therefore a pragmatic way to consolidate purchasing power across locations and entities, promote seamless collaboration and create a harmonized supply chain. By centralizing strategic purchasing activities, companies can benefit from bulk deals, greater economies of scale and standardized processes. We are also happy to help you set up the lead-buying concept!

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