

Pharmaceutical & Healthcare<span id="test" class="kool-class" style="color: #b4b4b4;" fs-test-element="test"></span><span id="test" class="kool-class" style="color: #f90;" fs-test-element="test">.</span>

The essential support for<span id="test" class="kool-class" style="color: #b4b4b4;" fs-test-element="test"> complex supply chain in healthcare</span><span id="test" class="kool-class" style="color: #f90;" fs-test-element="test">.</span>

Optimalisatie van Zorginkoop: Essentiële Ondersteuning voor Complexe Supply Chains

The Netherlands is not only known as one of the best healthcare systems in Europe, but also worldwide when looking at accessibility and process efficiency. It also ranks third in terms of innovation, reflecting its rapid development in biotechnology and healthcare infrastructure (Free Opp). The competitive insurance market is cited as the main reason for the progress of the Dutch healthcare sector. In addition, the Netherlands is home to innovative medicines and a large early-stage biotechnology sector.

Kloepfel Group named
“Best Consultants” for
the ninth year in a row


Pharma: Competition starts at procurement

The challenges in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry have been increasing for years due to increasing cost pressure and falling margins. In our country, the high dynamics in this internationally highly competitive market, characterised by acquisitions, stem mainly from increasing requirements due to government regulations and intensifying competition, e.g. through tenders for health insurers. We know the difficult conditions, products and challenges for supply chains and buyers. You can also draw on our extensive experience from projects with research companies and generic drug manufacturers to secure profit margins.

Healthcare: In the interest of patients and growth

The healthcare system is one of the most important economic sectors in this country today. Suppliers to this sector are also becoming increasingly relevant, as the material share for hospitals takes on a more important role as the second-largest hospital cost item. Especially as hospitals have to pay more attention to costs, it is important that suppliers can offer competitive products. Kloepfel can provide good support here, by mapping the potential and realising the results together with the customer.

Contact persoon
Menno de Goeij


Pharma: Competition starts at procurement

The challenges in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry have been increasing for years due to increasing cost pressure and falling margins. In our country, the high dynamics in this internationally highly competitive market, characterised by acquisitions, stem mainly from increasing requirements due to government regulations and intensifying competition, e.g. through tenders for health insurers. We know the difficult conditions, products and challenges for supply chains and buyers. You can also draw on our extensive experience from projects with research companies and generic drug manufacturers to secure profit margins.

Healthcare: In the interest of patients and growth

The healthcare system is one of the most important economic sectors in this country today. Suppliers to this sector are also becoming increasingly relevant, as the material share for hospitals takes on a more important role as the second-largest hospital cost item. Especially as hospitals have to pay more attention to costs, it is important that suppliers can offer competitive products. Kloepfel can provide good support here, by mapping the potential and realising the results together with the customer.

Fase 1:

De eerste fase richt zich voornamelijk op het voeren van
onderhandelingen met de huidige leveranciers, hetzij direct hetzij via een leveranciersconventie. Doel is de relatie met uw huidige leveranciers te versterken, substantiële gesprekken te voeren en tot voor alle partijen gunstige resultaten te komen.

Een leveranciersconventie is een bewezen succesvolle methode om in korte tijd maximaal resultaat te behalen. Door een grondige, op feiten gebaseerde voorbereiding kunnen we altijd extra stappen zetten om commerciële voorwaarden met bestaande leveranciers te optimaliseren.

Fase 2:
Commodity Management,
Technical Sourcing, Cost Engineering

De volgende fasen zijn gericht op een totale kostenverbetering van uw producten, wat doorgaans meer tijd vergt voor effect zichtbaar is. Bij Commodity Management stellen we teams samen voor elke categoriegroep, voeren we benchmarks uit, analyseren we kosten, starten we leveranciersworkshops en implementeren we RFI/RFP/RFQ om nieuwe leveranciers te ontwikkelen.

Gaat uw interesse uit naar benchmarking en resourcing, dan is onze Technical Sourcing een betrouwbare methode met zijn uitgebreide leveranciersdatabase. Sommige producten kunnen we ook verder onder de loep nemen via Cost Engineering voor een gedetailleerde onderdelen- en ‘should-cost’ analyse.


Commodity Management,
Technical Sourcing, Cost Engineering

The Netherlands is not only known as one of the best healthcare systems in Europe, but also worldwide when looking at accessibility and process efficiency. It also ranks third in terms of innovation, reflecting its rapid development in biotechnology and healthcare infrastructure (Free Opp). The competitive insurance market is cited as the main reason for the progress of the Dutch healthcare sector. In addition, the Netherlands is home to innovative medicines and a large early-stage biotechnology sector.

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